Any idea company can help you come up with new ideas. That’s the easy part. Coming up with new ideas you’ll actually introduce? That’s what we do.
We do our homework.
Winning ideas are built on a solid understanding of all aspects of your customers, your company, your categories and your competitors. That’s because ideas don’t live in a vacuum; they live in the real world. We make sure we know yours inside and out.
We fish where the fish are.
Some idea companies encourage wacky and wild ideas. We don’t. Our thinking exercises encourage different and doable ideas. We’ve found exercises that are strategic, systematic and focused give you a better hit rate than silly and random exercises. It’s the difference between knowing and fishing the most productive parts of the river versus wildly casting about the entire river. Ask to see a sample ideation or project and we’ll show you the difference.
We think big.
A bunch of little ideas won’t get you to your goal. You need keepers. Finding them takes skill, experience and an eye for the bigger opportunity. Thinking big is a perspective we carry through our entire process.
We know how to identify and shape ideas.
One skill that only comes with experience is the ability to know a good idea when you see it, even at its earliest stage. Another is knowing how to craft that rough idea into a polished concept. Without these two skills, some of your best ideas will be overlooked or abandoned too early.
We’ll tell you the truth.
Every company has its own set of blind spots. The only thing worse than not seeing a winning idea, is blindly chasing a losing idea. Sometimes the only way to stop these runaway trains is an honest voice from an outside perspective. We feel it’s our obligation to provide that voice.